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Republican Party

Caucus and Convention Process for Georgia

(Georgia Black Republican Council)

The Georgia Republican Party is responsible for establishing the dates and time of mass Precinct Meetings, county, district, and State Convention through the issuance of a “Call.” Mass Precinct Meetings, county, district, and the State Convention convenes promptly at 10:00 a.m. Those arriving after this time will not be admitted. Check with your local Republican Party or each cycle on Registration Fees.


Mass Precinct Meetings and Conventions will entail committee assignments and the election of convention officials to oversee the activities of the meetings and conventions. The number of delegates and alternates assigned at each level of the caucus process is based on a formula established by the state GOP.


A. Mass Precinct Caucus Meetings

Q1. What is a Precinct Caucus?

A1. Mass Precinct Caucuses are meetings of individuals within a precinct who affiliate with the Republican Party. The purpose of precinct caucuses is to select precinct committee persons and delegates to county, district, and State Republican Conventions. Caucuses are held in locations across Georgia and are open to the public.


Q2. What happens at a Precinct Caucus?

A2. Precinct Caucus attendees elect officers who will be responsible for organizing political activities within the precinct. Caucus attendees also elect delegates and alternates to represent the precinct at the Republican Party's county and district conventions.


Q3. Who can vote in a Precinct Caucus?

A3. To be eligible to vote in a political party's precinct caucus a voter must be:

  •  A resident of the precinct

  • Affiliated with the party

        Please consult each major political party’s bylaws for more information.


Q4. Can I participate if I turned 18 or became a citizen less than a day before my caucus?

A4. Yes. Anyone who turns 18 or becomes a naturalized citizen less than a day before the party's caucus may still participate, provided they provide proof.


Q5. Where do I caucus if I moved before my party's caucus?

A5. In this instance, you may only participate as a guest in your party's caucus at your old address. However, you will not be eligible to vote or be elected as a delegate or committee person.


Q6. Can unaffiliated voters participate in precinct caucuses?

A6. No. Although unaffiliated voters may vote in primary elections, they cannot participate in party precinct caucuses if they are not self-identified as Republicans.


Q7. Where can I get information about my Precinct Caucus?

A7. Contact your county Republican Party for information about your Precinct Caucus.


Q8. When are Precinct Caucuses held?

A8. Precinct caucuses are held every odd year (two-year cycle) on the second Saturday in February for counties with a population over 80,000 and no later than the second Saturday in March on the same day as the County Convention for counties with populations less than 80,000. Every four years during a Presidential Cycle, the State GOP will establish causes and convention dates.


Q9. Where are Precinct Caucuses located?

A9. Precinct Caucus meeting’s locations are determined by the County party. Meetings may be held in a public place or a private home that is open to the public during the caucus that is in or near the precinct. The location must be physically accessible to persons with disabilities and comply with the rules of the county central committee.

  • Signs must be posted designating precinct caucus locations no later than 12 days before the caucus. The signs must state: "Precinct Caucus place for precinct number(s)."




B. County Conventions

Q1. What is the County Convention?

A1. The County Convention is one of the most important events for the Republican Party. At this meeting delegates from each precinct located within the County gather to conduct convention business.


Q2. What happens at a County Convention?

A2. The County Convention is convened to select delegates to the Congressional District and the State Conventions and discuss and vote on Resolutions that were submitted during precinct organizing.  Every odd year (two-year cycles), county party officers are elected to the executive committee.


Q3. Who can vote at the County Convention?

A3. Only those individuals who were elected at the Precinct Caucus to be delegates or alternates to the County Convention are eligible to vote.


Q4. When are County Conventions held?

A4. The County Convention are held no later than 30 days after the Precinct Caucuses.


Q5. Where are County Conventions located?

A5. County Convention meeting’s locations are determined by the County Party. 



C. District Conventions

Q1. What happens at a District Convention?

​A1. The District Convention is convened every odd year (two-year cycles) to elect district officers of the Executive Committee and elect other representatives to serve on the State Executive Committee (SEC); and discuss and vote on Resolutions that were submitted. During Presidential Election Cycle, election of congressional delegates to the Republican National Convention occurs.


Q2. Who can vote at the District Convention?

​A2. Only those individuals who were elected at the precinct caucus and county convention to be delegates or alternates to the District Convention are eligible to vote.


Q3. When are District Conventions held?

​A3. The District Convention is held no later than 30 days after the County Caucuses.


Q4. Where are District Conventions located?

​A4. District Convention meeting’s locations are determined by the District Executive Committee.



D. State Convention

Q1. What happens at a state convention?

​A1. The State Convention is convened every odd year (two-year cycles) to elect officers of the state GOP and National Committee Members. During Presidential Election Cycle, election of delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention occurs.


Q2. Who can vote at the State Convention?

​A2. Only those individuals who were elected at the precinct caucus and county convention to be delegates or alternates to the State Convention are eligible to vote.


Q3. When is the State Conventions held?

​A3. The state convention is held no later than 30 days after the District Convention.


Q4. Where are State Conventions located?

​A4. The State Convention meeting locations are determined by the Executive and State Committee Members of the GOP.



E. Other Questions

Q1. Can I participate at a Caucus or Convention remotely?

A1. A Caucus/Convention attendee may participate in the Precinct Caucus, county or district meetings remotely if allowed by the party’s rules. This includes casting a vote by email, mail, telephone, or through an internet-based application.


Q2. I have more questions.

A2. Contact your local, county, district, or state party for information about caucuses and convention information.

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